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UR Fog is a company that specializes in fog security systems designed to protect properties against burglary and theft. Fog security systems, also known as security fog or smoke systems, are a proactive security measure used to deter intruders by filling a space with a dense fog in a matter of seconds after an alarm is triggered.

Here are some key aspects of UR Fog security systems:

1. **Fog Generation**: UR Fog systems are equipped with fog generators that quickly release a dense, non-toxic fog into the protected area when triggered by an alarm signal. The fog is typically produced from a glycol-based solution that turns into a thick fog upon contact with the air.

2. **Immediate Deployment**: One of the main advantages of fog security systems is their ability to deploy rapidly. Within seconds of an alarm being triggered, the fog generators activate, filling the protected area with dense fog, reducing visibility to virtually zero.

3. **Deterrent Effect**: The sudden appearance of thick fog disorients and confuses intruders, making it difficult for them to see and navigate through the protected area. This creates a powerful deterrent effect, causing intruders to abandon their burglary attempt and flee the premises.

4. **Non-toxic and Safe**: UR Fog security fog is typically made from a glycol-based solution that is non-toxic and safe for humans and animals. The fog is harmless and dissipates quickly once the threat has been neutralized, leaving no residue or damage to the protected area.

5. **Integration with Alarm Systems**: UR Fog security systems can be integrated with existing alarm systems or security infrastructure to provide comprehensive protection for properties. When an alarm is triggered, the fog generators activate automatically, enhancing the effectiveness of the security measures in place.

Overall, UR Fog security systems offer an effective and reliable solution for protecting properties against burglary and theft. By deploying a dense fog within seconds of an alarm being triggered, these systems create a powerful deterrent effect, effectively neutralizing threats and safeguarding valuable assets.