Micron’s ED8/16 is a fully featured TCP/IP through ethernet alarm dialler with secure TCP/IP Contact ID alarm reporting over the internet.
Inputs can be configured as NO or NC; one resistor with or without tamper, two resistors (4 states) fully balanced and two resistors offering independent zone doubling.
Inputs by default are 24 hour but may be configured to be dependent on a key switch input.
Dialler programming can be accessed by a locally connected or remote internet connected computer via the dialler’s TCP/IP address with multi level security.
The ED8/16 has four outputs, two with relays and two further outputs configured as open collector. Each of the relay outputs may be configured by “jumper” selection as:
NO/COM/NC clean relay contacts
Supply +12 Volts when switched
Supply Gnd (-ve) when switched
One output can monitor and reset the internet router in the event the router stops communicating.
ED8/16 can be configured to operate with any brand of alarm panel.
The ED8/16 also incorporates an RS485 bus with an SGD protocol for fire alarm reporting applications in New Zealand.
ED8/16 TCP/IP Alarm Dialler
SKU: IP108
Category: Security Alarm Accessories
Tags: accessories micron security, alarm, dialler, dialler ed8/16, ed8/16, tcp/ip
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