Idealpos 6 POS Screen
This module can be added to the First License and Additional License (sales only license already includes POS screen Add-on).
Network Options yes
POS Numbering SAL
Ability to add Software Add-on Module N/A
This module can be added to the First License and Additional License (sales only license already includes POS screen Add-on).
Network Options yes
POS Numbering SAL
Ability to add Software Add-on Module N/A
Network Options yes
POS Numbering SAL
Ability to add Software Add-on Module N/A
Touch Screen Terminal
Advanpos A-Box 122 Dual Core Atom 1.8Ghz 2Gb DDR 64Gb SSD POS UNIT
Pole Display
Idealpos 6 Terminal Licenses
Touch Screen Terminal
Advanpos Chameleon ABON Dual Core Atom 1.8Ghz 4Gb Ram 320Gb HDD Black
Idealpos Add On Module per Terminal
Data Collectors