Contactless Eftpos Terminal
Contactless Eftpos Terminal for Idealpos
Did you know our eftpos terminals integrates with idealpos system so your paywave ready bank cards will work seamlessly.
Our contactless eftpos terminals work seamlessly with idealpos terminals. Reduce time entering the purchase amount manually which also removes human errors in keying in the dollar amount.
Our pos terminals gives you the option of selecting various payment option when finalizing a sale. Choose eftpos to proceed to finalize a sale by Mastercard, Visa, Dinners, JCB, American Express, Alipay, Union Pay, or bank debit card. Your customers will then by able to pay the amount of upto NZD$80 just by tapping there bank card on the display screen of our eftpos terminals.
Once payment is processed and accepted, Idealpos will pop up the cash drawer and print a receipt on demand and the sale is closed ready for the next check out customer
If the payment is declined the sale remains open on the pos terminal and the cash drawer does not open.
See why ACPonline delivers the best and the most reliable contactless eftpos solution with Idealpos
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